Back in Black 🖤 🃏!

Happy 45th Birthday 🎂 to Joaquin Phoenix.

as (aka

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Do you want to know more about the psychology behind Don’t miss the round table organized by the Social Sciences club this Thursday in with welcome venue: C07 room 114 at 1pm.

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The Joker poster illustration of Swedish artist Ibrahim Hamid

🔜 to explore via

Put on a Happy Face 🃏

as (aka

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For all the people who asked me during these three weeks... I've finally seen The Joker


★ ★ ★ ★ ★

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Hey Dudes 🎃💚
Here my version of Joker/Arthur
Personally i love it the final result💖💚
I also say that this version of the joker is one of my favorites along with the Heath Ledger Joker

🎃Tell me, What is Your Favorite Batman Villain's?

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WwEe LiIvEe iN a sOcCieTy oFf ssSoCieTtieEs.

I still haven't watched the movie.

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Ilustración de ''Joker''. Una obra maestra acompañada de la pedazo de actuación de Joaquin Phoenix, actualmente mi segundo joker favorito.

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Getting to see tonight! Exciter to see Joaquin Phoenix and Todd Phillips take on this iconic villian.

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After 78 years The Joker is still the most captivating supervillian and I'm V excited to see what Joaquin Phoenix brings to the character - I made this to celebrate the released today.

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holds a mirror up to our society and asks us the question, what role do we play in creating our modern monsters. Beautiful, haunting, and grounded portrayal of how a Joker character would be born in todays world. Phoenix, your oscar is waiting

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No matter how many people are complaining about I’m going to see it tomorrow. I’ll judge for myself 🤡

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👑'God Save the Villan' by artist Enkel Dika is a wicked art piece that combines the iconic "God, save the Queen" + The Joker.

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