The most recent pixel art has created for our dnd campaign, which just hit its 3 year mark last night. 😳 Watching all these characters come to life like a retro computer game is so much fun.

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Everyone’s favorite NPC rogue assassin from Roche. He’s back with the party right now as of our recent session and I’m sure some drama will come from it. Final art as well as the WIP sketches and flat color beginnings.

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Working on a new character portrait for Hazel, the Druid in our campaign, played by . Still a WIP but I’m pretty happy with how it’s going so far!

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Fortune hasn’t been pink for awhile but it’s still my favorite.

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My current WIP keeping me sane between work meetings and also doubling as fun pose practice, featuring all sorts of canon and non-canonical kisses from

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A recent batch of WIPs from our campaign. It’s rare that I actually finish a piece these days, so I may as well share them now! I’ll expand upon each piece below. ☺️

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Concept splash page for one of my fav NPCs I’ve gotten to play this arc, my most dramatic of angsty rogues: Roche.

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Next on pride NPCs: the scholarly Paladin Prudence Woodard. She/her, Lesbian, First Of Her Order, and currently following visions of darkness and woods.  

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Working on some concepts and thumbnails for the newest NPC the party met in

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In one of the recent encounters I created for the party fought (and utterly DESTROYED) a Rot Troll in a riverbed. Here’s the map and creature token I created for the fight!

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The battle map and the vampire/NPC thrall tokens from last night in I was heavily inspired by ’s amazing dining room map, definitely check them out as well!

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Day 3 of art prompt list: “First of” featuring "Lilly Belle", the Shebienshire pony who came first of ALL the ponies in the Shebienshire "First Sprouts Day" pony races in the very first session of

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Starting off art prompt list with Day 1: “Introduction”.

Meet Cedar, elven Druid & first major NPC was introduced to in the campaign when they rescued him from a corrupted Dryad’s forest. Really loves his trees. 🍃

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You ever just draw fan service for your own campaigns? No, just me? Alright then.

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Rough sketch of a prop study for the most recently acquired magical loot in A home brew holy symbol with some extra magical oomph in it for the party Cleric.

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Another messy WIP sketch bc that's apparently all I do now. 😅

Played by , Adelaide (the party's Triton Cleric) got an epic Guiding Bolt on an assassin...too bad no one else from the party was around to see it happen. 🤣

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