dnd characters that i haven't played yet but that i think about A LOT <3<3<3<3 blythe, carmilla, thomasin and research <3<3

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Thomasin. Sapphic, orphan, musician. She'd always wanted children of her own. Unfortunately, she found out that she's infertile...

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Day 10 - Horns
Thought i'd use this opportunity to start figuring out a design for my tiefling girl Thomasin <3

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Thomasin McKenzie, Anya Taylor-Joy.

La película comienza sosa pero va creciendo poco a poco👌🏻

Eloise, adolescente, tímida y con una sensibilidad especial que le permite ver espíritus.

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Headcases fun fact

When coming up with our Jewish main character, Hila, I wanted to base her appearance on Thomasin McKenzie, who I absolutely loved in every movie she was in! If you haven't watched any of her work, go watch Leave No Trace right now!

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It’s Kray’s turn to do the boba run - chaos ensues.

God damn I’m so glad I finally drew out the designs for his college friends. Believe it or not, he did actually have friends! From left to right: Thomasin, Kray, Touker and Harpreet.

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Here is Hadassah, my DND PC Thomasin's younger sister, who I am only slightly more obsessed with than my actual character 😅🎯💖

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Hello, my name is Thomasina Karleen Rat. You can call me Tomie or Karly as well. I'm a Trans woman who's an amateur artist who loves animation, video games & comics. I hope you stick around.

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LAST NIGHT IN SOHO [Pixel-art Gameboy color style]
I love this movie, without a doubt, my favorite of 2021.

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Two versions of Thomasin McKenzie from ’s “Last Night In Soho” Drawn on today’s stream.

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Last Night in Soho (2021)

🎨 Featured Pop Culture Artists - 1. Nick Charge ( Nick Charge ) 2. Stephan Pusch ( Stephan Pusch ) 3. James Paterson ( ) 4. Morgan ( Morgan )

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Last Night In Soho

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主演のThomasin McKenzieとAnya Taylor-Joy素敵で、劇中で流れる60's musicも良かった。

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Oh hey is trending follow me I'm Thomasin

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