"Found on Instagram" by /u/Slagathor4321: https://t.co/vJuTo2V4uc

4 27

la review
Pour nous c'est clairement NON et on vous dit pourquoi tout de suite. Et pour vous?

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A ton of new posters and character posters for released by

Which character are you most looking forward to?

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Mighty Thor - The Ravager! Dropped a brand new piece over on go and check it out!
Drop me a comment and follow my art page 🤘💀🔥

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Hello Friends! May I introduce you to the Jane The Ravager!
In honor of the upcoming Film!
See the full HD

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⚡Smol Thor(s)⚡appeared! I'm hyped for another Thor movie and how they will develop the original Thor's character and how they will bring on the new Thor.

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Demorou mais do que esperado, mas saiu! Fanart do novo thor que estou beeeem hypado para ver!! Taika dono do meu coração e só faz obra de arte

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Big shoutout to for being able to make this in a short time frame, super grateful for how it came out. Be sure to follow them and PM them for all your Profile Pics, Banners or any enquires needed done at affordable prices.

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Jane Foster’s The Mighty Thor Wields Mjölnir in his new poster for Thor: Love And Thunder

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I am so happy they really a Love and Thunder trailer, movie looks absolutely stellar!! Ive been waiting for Jane Foster to take up the Thor mantle!!
Who are you most excited to see in this wild new Thor movie?

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"Ahora , tu eres digna"👸
Poster Fan-Art❤️
¿❤️&🔄?🥺 Se agradece muchisimo <3

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Possíveis Artes Conceituais de Thor: Amor e Trovão. O que vocês acharam?

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Whelp Fingers crossed! Partner Application Submitted 👀 👀 👀 👀 👀

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📺 12/01 - en
🦇 27/01 -
🦇 04/03 -
🐙 06/05 -
⚡ 08/07 -
🕷 07/10 -
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🎬 Tenemos el primer arte promocional de con un vistazo a Jane Foster como Mighty Thor y al nuevo look de Thor. 😱

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então o Mjonlir da Jane Foster vai ser o antigo do Thor reformado, já que tem todas essas rachaduras

seria mt foda se o martelo se reformasse pq ele se sente chamado pela Jane, vai ser tudo

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