Opened 1914, the Alhambra was built on the site of Rands Mill, which was next door to family home. Former pupil Marie Studholme, gaiety girl & Music Hall star, was mobbed at the opening of the theatre in her home town.

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was favourite holiday destination where he had a home on The Promenade. He enjoyed buying fish from women at the quayside & admitted once walking off wearing borrowed spectacles. She didn’t let him get far.

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Born in Christopher Gifford Ambler (1886-1965) left school, worked in & attended evening classes at the School of Art. Famous for dogs & horses he illustrated the 1782 comic ballad by William Cowper, the GtGtGt Uncle of Denys Salt Gt Grandson

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7 months pregnant at the opening banquet of Mill, wife Caroline gave birth to their youngest child Ada 1853 in Crow Nest. Ada married aged 29 & had one child. The last of the Salt children, Ada died at home in Bickenhall Mansions, London in 1935.

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Winston Churchill Minister of Munitions, was President of Salt School in 1917-18 but didn’t visit In 1942 he went to rival Samuel Lister’s Mill in & 65yrs ago was met by 200,000 when he arrived in during the election campaign.

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The 1904 Exhibition was to be the greatest seen on this side of the atlantic. Opened by the Prince & Princess of Wales, they drove down Lane to the park where & other textile firms exhibited in the industrial hall.

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The led 3,000 mill hands to Station for the journey to for birthday bash at Crow Nest mansion in 1856. but it wasn’t January

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1,000 on the 1864 Salts Mill works outing went by train to favourite resort where son George showed off his super yacht, Oithona. Victorian

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1812 Dickens parodied the legendary discovery of wool in visited in 1854 & his magazine “All The Year Round’ described village as a “colony”.

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