Absolutely the best thing on the web today is this browser-based version of the quietly-beautiful aquatic town building game Townscaper. However awful your job, clients and colleagues are, this will help: https://t.co/WH3AsNFwSP

28 111

Hey man, I really love Townscaper. It is a true work of art and it will help me an insane amount with city planning for my webcomic.
Are you planning on adding other ground types like grass or sand? I'd love to have that option. Much love and good luck bro.
My builds:

1 6

While streaming Curse of the Dead Gods today, we broached the topic of Early Access titles, and I think generally speaking I've had nothing but excellent experience with games in EA. Just over the past few weeks, I've also been playing Shipbreaker, Griftlands, and Townscaper.

7 55

Thanks to we now know how to create save files for s Now we can create procedural generated buildings and cities. Behold the power of algorithms ^^. Here are some of the computed buildings.

116 993

Not sure what I'm doing exactly but I'm loving Townscaper.

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