Egon Schiele, Barca a Trieste, 1907

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Egon Schiele, Barca a Trieste, 1907

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Thanks Joe! I'll never get tired to praise my artists! The Runes and the Characters (Deities, examples of Bloodlines...) Are made by Sara, my main artist and s/o. The landscapes below by Simone ( ) which reminds of real places in my city, Trieste, in Italy!

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Oggi è la più grande d’Europa aperta sul ma nel XVIII sec. piazza Unita’ d’Italia, a era chiusa da una cinta di mura. C’era una Torre del con due baffuti, una porta che si chiudeva ai vespri e due inginocchiatoi per le preghiere dei marinai

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Ehi Sol! Hello, thank you for the space! I'm Franz and I'm workin on the world of Thergestia!
-based on my home city, Trieste, Italy;
-divided into 13 zones, each w/ its own theme;
-Six Deitis, each w/ its Bloodline as "race";
-we mix real history with original plot;
some pics!

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-13 Zones each with its own theme;
-6 Godly Bloodlines (our take on Races!);
-6 Classes;
-Based on the city of Trieste, Italy;
-rule system written by me, on the D12;
-Key NPCs and Locations inspired by real places you can visit and historical figures of our city!
Some WIPs ⬇️

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Fini was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, to Malvina Braun Dubich (born in Trieste, with German, Slavic and Venetian ancestry) and Herminio Fini (with ancestry from Benevento, Italy).

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Check out our new paper just published in to know everything new on the first 🇮🇹 palaeontological site (Villaggio del Pescatore, near Trieste, North-eastern with multiple, exceptionally complete skeletons! 🧶 1/15 🔗:

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Giuseppe Barison (September 5, 1853 - Trieste, January 7, 1931) was an Italian painter the-embarrassing-encounter

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In attesa dell'ouverture della mostra per i 150 anni della Modiano, qui a Trieste, all'IRCI... qualche anteprima: protagonista, Pollione Sigon [Trieste 1895 – 1971]. Figlio d'arte, fu per tutta la vita il principale pittore interno della Modiano, con fortuna internazionale.

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Ritrovata negli scavi archeologici in centro a questa fiala conteneva acqua di melissa dei Carmelitani Scalzi di miscela di olii essenziali dalle virtù terapeutiche. Le prime botteghe di spezie orientali si diffusero a con l’avvento del

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