Inspired by an awesome and amazing photo by and
Thank you for letting me use your wonderful work as a reference!

26 37

등나무 브러쉬 써먹고 싶었어요.
Under the wisteria tree

74 132

I've been in the bed these days...
so(?) here is another kiss..
referred to a photo

116 263

Commissioned by Thrasirshall
Tseng x Female!Rufus(Before Crisis)
Thanks for the support!

9 31

청 단독샷도 그릴 겸
커미션 샘플 만들어 보는 중~
Making sample for commission...!

31 64

왜 야한 낙서는 핸드폰으로 그리게 될까..
phone doodle of Tseng>Rufus<Reno

41 102

오늘 TRPG서 퍼먹은 청루가 너무 맛있어서....
너무 맛있어서..ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
(왈칵) 살수가 없다..

27 60

Saw something, so I had to draw it.
Reference2: Arrested Development

147 222


에 참가했던 건데 트윗청소하며 날아간거같음...
"짝사랑" 이란 주제였읍니다..

5 9

청씨는 흐트려놔야 제 맛이지^.T

5 10