They drink in the dark knowledge. It fills up the thirsty and hungry spaces in their minds, yet they want more. Eldritch whispers warn, “Don’t fall asleep, lest the night shift of desperation let in the light.”

13 31

When sleep won’t come
I pick up my pen
Listening to footsteps
On the cobbles outside
Fog blurs street lamps
Caliginous flames in darkness;
With waking perception
I write the connection
Between fiction & reality

🎨 Colin Myers

11 37

Qilin in my dreams
Celestial and sublime
Grants moon-drawn wishes


7 27

lava duplicitous
doesn't announce itself

bubbling beneath placid surfaces

hot bubbles of fire crouch
till poisonous arrows fly

feel the ground u walk
do u know it?
thin ice in a veil

awaiting the crack
the consummation of


26 74

unlike the wandering lost
we don’t have to lose
we’ve been through enough
let’s just call us home
and never run away

“the wandering lost”

0 6

Sun 6/7

Moment of Clarity
Hollow Eyes
The Witching Season
Darkness Returns
A Living Death

7 13

Her sword forged
In the lullabies
Of silent screams
Its blade sharpened
On the howling
Phantoms of her
Own self doubt
Every slash
Every stab
Written in the
Poetry of her
Darkest secrets

12 18

My lover
taste of autumn rain
sweet upon tongue
colorful flavor of
slipping slowly down
where deep inside
it nestles

Art-Leonid Afremor

16 36

I had a dream
That you were my
Empty canvas.
You let me paint
All of my imagined feelings
Upon your skin,
Tinted with
Forbidden delights
And need.
You let me stain your soul
Like it was mine.

36 65

Made a deal with myself
I ignored the devil
With telltale tools of my craft
I called spirits to revel
Our drink & food & merriment
Lucifer claimed as his own
In punishment for my affront
I’m left with candle, book & bone


14 31

moonlight sets us free
it is when the stars are mine
I watch sailing constellations
traveling through time
my celestial obsession
æther's essence sublime
I gaze in wonder at
the universe’s grand design


9 27

I couldn't sleep
so I conspired
with the moon
telling her all
my darkest secrets
to make her blush
and swoon

4 20

"I'm going to be an you said, with stargazing laughter.

I laughed, too, not knowing.

I think of you now, alone in the void, in all those twinkling lights.

And when night's shadows descend, I stargaze alone.

5 33

Where dreams go,
I cannot follow,
Occasionally I catch them,
In memories,
But they are never the same,
If I could tame that wild ether,
I would happily be lost in them,
Floating forever,
Untethered to the now.

4 15

has taught me well
in the art of loss
in wish-filled dreams
in star strung fantasies
hung like hope
'long an ebon empyrean
only to fall
only to die
in fiery conflagration
as they rage
and burn
'cross the evening sky

14 65

You smell like ~
the blues
sad poetry
unhealed scars
torch songs
a gust of cold
slamming doors
sleepless slumber
restless reverie
piercing thorns
the last grip on the night

You exude ~


11 48

I knew it was time
to let go
of the
paper airplanes
we made

let the memories
melt away

let our love letters
float down
the drain

on scattered winds
I'll soar again

after I unfold
& smooth
the creases
you left
on my
origami brain

12 41

The is caliginous and empty, quiet as the grave.
No echo of our song could I save.
Am I lying to myself that our perfect
had meaning?
You left me here alone in the dark of the night
Crying softly as our dreams took flight.

2 34

They knew ahead of us~
They knew
That distance
Was never tied or marked,
That’s why our ghosts danced
In the stars..
Now wrapped in magic winds,
Under the cold moon light,
We shift our shadows
Out of sand scars,
And blushed,

To loves heart..

23 68