Los perisodáctilos de hoy comprenden sólo los equinos, los rinocerontes y los tapires pero en el pasado había muchas más especies, y tan extrañas y enormes como "Brontotherium" o "Uintatherium". Para saber más: https://t.co/FN8Ul3FDzJ

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Omg this is so hard to answer, I actually did little project at my uni drawing some extinct animals (harpagolestes, podinoceras, thylacosmilus and uintatherium present on those artworks), i love the ones that are less known ;w;

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Dino medal for Uinta (Uintatherium) A vivosaur similar to Brontoth and Elasmoth, Uinta has a variety of confusion skills. To reflect that, I wanted to give him as baffling a design as possible.

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Uintatherium was a large herbivorous mammal that measured 4 metres long (about the size of a rhino). However, its brain was only the size of an orange.

(Credit Mauricio Anton)

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you could do extinct animal species! I don't see many of those, like the Chalicotherium, the Uintatherium, hell even a Coelacanth would be rad. I know horses have been done but what about ancient horses like Eohippus that had paws instead of hooves? I don't see many of those!

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Uintatherium... chunky uintatherium

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This is Brenda the uintatherium. She is a passionate secretary with a husky voice and a passion for submissive boy-toys. She is actually a character I made up... probably 4 years ago now. I only drew portraits of her at that point though.

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Extinct mammals: Doedicurus, "pre-horse" (Eohippus?), Smilodon, Uintatherium
It also included lots of modern animals, making "The Lost Land" feel pretty alive: baboon, chimpanzee, a crocodile, a frog, gazelle, iguana, ring-tailed lemur, macaw, toucans, alligator snapping turtle.

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Now something for the ungulate people, Uintatherium. Weird sabertooth but.. herbivore? It's just weird and knobbly

(Reference and much help provided by )

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Uintatherium: probably one of the weirdest looking animals to ever exist. Kind of a shame they're extinct, though this one looks like a bit of a grouch.

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Still getting back to my routine. Not at 100% yet and most of my time have to be devoted to several commissions I am working on. However, here is a quick warmup sketch of a fully lipped Uintatherium, my first try at this interesting animal

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A display on life in the Paleocene and Eocene featuring the skeleton of a Uintatherium anceps at the Fukui Prefectural Dinosaur Museum.

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[ furry / scalie / anthro / million years academy / ??? ]

hey remember my dating sim concept where all the cute girls are prehistoric animals. ANYWAY the sea scorpion and uintatherium are cute together, take this

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