AHHHH! What a good time for Russia! - Succeed in gathering 900 supporters in Kherson for the referendum!
-To see the Syrian population leave the country that Poutien wants to control.
( 1/2 )

0 1

Yes, it's not like Putin shows the slightest will to invade Ukraine or to insist again and again on letting his soldiers die. No one saw him behave like this...


0 1

You propagandists never agree.
50% = Biden takes advantage of the war to enrich the USA
50% = Biden impoverishes USA
Come to an agreement among yourselves if you want to be credible.


0 1

Michael de Adder on - political cartoon gallery in London https://t.co/dePcTdovuE

25 73

𝗥𝗲𝘁𝗿𝗼𝗪𝗮𝘃𝗲 𝗛𝗶𝘀𝘁𝗼𝗿𝘆: 𝗘𝗽𝗶𝘀𝗼𝗱𝗲 𝟐. "Ghost of Kyiv," the lone MiG-29 pilot who purportedly downed 6 enemy planes in one day. https://t.co/RaRUflYyRU

1 4

Finally, what will it change? Belgorod and Crimea have been attacked several times, and Putin has done nothing. He has no option. General mobilization? Nobody wants to go fight to get slaughtered.

0 0

Russia has always been a country full of cowards.
First, take advantage of Nazi Germany's attack to attack Poland.
Then, let the people of Warsaw get slaughtered instead of helping them, in order to dominate them.
And now this.
They make me want to vomit.

0 3

An art done a few months ago but that’s unfortunately still accurate.

1 17


There is no electricity in 5 regions of Ukraine due to the Russian attack on the electricity supply system. I had a power outage.⚡️

Отака хуйня, малята.🤬

0 2

is the ONLY name in NFT that gives all of the three:
1 easy checkout with crypto of your choice/fiat
2 high quality physical piece as a gift
3 proceeds are saving lives

2 7

oil on linen, 90 x 67cm, 2012

This now reminds me of shocked witnessing dawn missile strikes from their high-rise apartments.

3 13

28 липня. Вітаю всіх, адже сьогодні:

День хрещення Київської Русі!
День Української Державності!

Переможемо разом!

1 4

Кажуть, шо там Антонівський міст від‘ємно побудувався. Кримському приготуватися💪🇺🇦❤️

5 21