In our system, the hardest working people are often the ones left with the least. It's not right, and it's time to change it.

38 120

In our system, the hardest working people are often the ones left with the least. It's not right, and it's time to change it.

6 11

And they wonder why they're having trouble hiring ...

28 115

Employers main complaint isn't that they lack workers, it's that they can't force us to work for poverty wages on demand. The jig is up. Full comic from :

44 118

We deserve living wages.
We deserve to thrive.

21 50

The subminimum wage for tipped workers has been frozen at a meager $2.13 since 1991. The Raise the Wage Act would establish a $15 minimum wage for tipped workers.

41 149

Let Brian Pallister know workers deserve a $15 minimum wage, better working conditions, and access to unions! Come help us deliver postcards to his constituency office on March 15!

9 18

Repeat after me. Trickle-down economics does not work.

30 25

VICTORY! movement passes $15/hour minimum wage in Seattle

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