New Yorker:

“There was a concern that it was reminding the President of John McCain.”

7 16

Happy ! You will Always be my President. Thank you for your empathy, your brilliance, your love of country & all its people!

28 80

No wonder GOP doesn't believe in evolution.

56 48

🔴⚪🔵 We want
to moderate a 2016 presidential debate!
Pls Sign

49 59

Hey Razorbacks Fight! Win! on November 4th!

0 0

“Color blindness” often serves as an excuse to ignore real racial inequalities

153 115

This is why the media is so powerful, and Fox News is so dangerous...

1017 538

What I find SO objectionable about

Their childish minds so EASILY diverted...

51 22

I'm sorry son, it's not just

It's America...

803 398

Net neutrality cutting the wires could kill innovation on the net & services like Netflix

81 37

If you don't think this political cartoon is funny:

0 0