Hey! I'm releasing and update on my NES-like asset pack, and with an 50% SALE!
Please give it a look. Sharing is very appreciated!
(link in replies bc twitter)

13 38

Trying a different style~ ( ◡‿◡ *)

5 30

Excited to play the Resident Evil 4 Remake (ノ´ з `)ノ

13 48

Our dreams are the reflection of our deepest desires and fears, and only by exploring them can we unlock the secrets of our true selves.

20 74

Winter Wonder Skye from Fortnite!! ⛄️❄️

69 454

Effect 5 - Knife / Kitchen Knife(ほうちょう)


10 40

Hello everyone, following below is a link of the project I've colaborated on the last in Amsterdam:

Links on the first comment

0 1

Art I made a while ago and noticed I never posted

40 335

Hey guys! I'm opening emergency commissions cuz possible finnancial issues. DM me :)

Oi gente, eu tô abrindo encomendas de emergência porque é possível que eu venha a ter problemas financeiros. Me manda DM!

16 19

just konata passing on your timeline to wish you good luck on your day!

4 23

Recently I've finished the Pidgey line from my Pokémon sprites 👀 maybe I'll try to finish up some more sprites in that style

36 208