I can horror too! :D
We invented the "hunger maid" on stream with the Lurch und Lama community, complete with lore and stats for I scribbled her on screen.
She will make an apperance in the next "Reisesegen", the community fanzine.

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I tried to draw a quick sketch of the lil imp guy from Vaesen.

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La semana pasada jugué mi primera partida a Vaesen. Me gusta la ambientación del juego, el siglo XIX no-británico no se suele explorar y da mucho de sí, al igual que la mitología escandinava. El concepto de hacer un hogar de un castillo ruinoso también me ha hecho gracia.

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If you are a supporter of the podcast at the appropriate level, you can now watch early access, unedited video coverage of my interview with Johan Egerkranz about Swedish folklore, his art and Vaesen.

Access the video, swap support levels, or sign up at


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