Thank you!
The deadline isn’t until January so I have plenty of time to make one more. I have a fun idea with Veemon.
But for right now, I’m making some more commissioned emotes.

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I'm convinced Rina gave Ogremon that bruise not Veemon.

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's first OC ever was a RedVeeMon. I had to do it.

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Si je devais choisir un Digimon Sona comme Nepptenio un jour, soit dessiné par moi ou par lui, le candidat idéal serait sans surprise Veemon. XD

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Been a week since I draw Veemon. Last week was a busy week but now I’m back with ExVeemon! 🔥

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A fusion of Gammamon and Veemon. I saw similarities between the two, so why not combine them?
I did trade an image of Veemon to get the base btw lol.

Could be called V-Gammamon or GammaVeemon lol…I’m not good at Digimon names, or names in general.

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Nuevo torneo oficial de en su versión global. Se trata de la Ultimate Cup, un torneo que ocurrirá en Abril, Julio y Noviembre y cuya recompensa son artes alternativos de la línea de Veemon.
-DemiVeemon BT03
-Veemon BT03
-ExVeemon EX01

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Petite image de profil de Foxy et son Digimon Veemon.

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Totodile X Veemon: TotoVeemon. Commission for Kenzo2782 on Instagram 💪💪💪

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Veemon de BT03 vuelve con un arte alternativo a en BT06. Este Box Topper hace referencia al final de y tiene al resto de los protagonistas de este anime saltando junto a Veemon.

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Digimon fanart. biyomon. gomamon. exveemon. garurumon.

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Huh, so I’m not the only one who thought Veemon. Actually now that I look at it, Orko looks like the DigiXros of Veemon, Wisemon and Wizardmon…

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Sketchzinho noturno do Veemon.
Sofri pra fazer essa mão

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Fanart this month.

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Am on a Final Fantasy and Digimon binge.
On the left you have a Gladiator Veemon, on the right you have Paladin Exveemon. Where's the shield? He took it as an Iron supplement.

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Today is 's birthday, wish him a happy birthday!

He joined the fandom thanks to Digimon by snooping around fanarts on internet, and his favorite Digimon was always Veemon. So ... what better gift than to give him Veemon.

Traditional. Colored pencils

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Empezamos el de esta semana con el debut de Parallelmon.
Este apareció por primera y única vez en el capítulo especial de V-Tamer en el que Taichi y Zero se encuentran con Davis y Veemon.
Su carta fue promocional para el mismo capítulo.

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