That's a hard one, but I'll say the Up In Arms cover, I think. It was an attempt to evoke some of the feeling of the old Warhammer Army Book covers but still be very gritty/grimy WFRP, it was challenging but it came out looking quite striking, and it was pretty well received.

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Musing about a (potential) future Albion book for made me think about new careers. I would love to see the Truthsayers getting rules for the game. They're some of the coolest magic users in the entire Warhammer Fantasy setting.

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Looking back, I really do like this painting - it was used as the cover for the Empire in Ruins Companion for WFRP, and I think it works well.

I'll put up the full trade dress version in a bit.

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With The Emperor's Wrath being released for WFRP, I thought a steamtank post would be fun, since I've illustrated a couple now - L, the cover for The Emperor's Wrath; R, a spot piece for Age of Sigmar's Steam & Steel:

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So what about this book? Was it 3e version of "Realms of Sorcery"? I dig the cover. Then again, 3rd edition covers were generally very good. Even though I don't particularly like this version of it had some truly amazing artwork.

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We will finish this epic dive into the art of Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay's The Enemy Within campaign with some Empire in Ruins art that had previously seen print elsewhere in WFRP, but which made a return for the final books. But, we'll do it in 2 parts 😃

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I know that there are almost 0 chances for us to ever see a fully fleshed out Araby army/faction for WFB/WFRP, but... a man can dream. Especially since Grand Cathay is making its way to Warhammer and, potentialy, Old World (whenever it gets released).

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SPOT PIECES! They illustrate passages of text, they break up blocks of it, they provide some variety from the more complete illustrations... I love spot pieces. Today will be a selection of some of the ones I've done for WFRP, starting with this 'Mutant Fish Parasite' piece 🤢

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For some reason it's easier to create harder and more challenging encounters in 4th edition than it was in 2e. Even higher-level characters with abundance of Fate, Luck, Resilience and Resolve can be more easily challenged in this game.

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Honestly, one of the only few things which really irk me in 4th edition is the Hero Points system. It's so not-warhammer... The fact that you can just burn a point, act before the final boss of the story and potentially waste him in one hit is just weak.

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As much as I enjoy the 2nd edition of one of its biggest weaknesses is enemy scaling. The basic critters and mooks are a joke to almost any character that starts its 2nd career. 4th edition did that stuff a lot better, even if it requires more work.

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Yesterday it was today it's The investigators have been disarmed by the Castronegro police and there's someone hunting them with a high-power rifle. The Diaz and Vilheila-Pereira families clearly don't want their secrets discovered...

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Two days ago it was - today it's but in similar tone! The party will have to stop the deranged Baron Von Richter, before the necromantic spell that he unleashed ressurects even more bodies... only to send them against the living!

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Yesterday's "The Thousand Thrones" session was brutal. 2 Fate Points have been burned, two mental afflictions have been gained and a single arm was lost. As much as I like the high lethality of I don't want my players to become frustrated. I'll need to tone down the...

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