Giants... I've only used one as a plot device in my games of

I always struggled with utilising large monsters in my games. How do you handle big, nasty gribblers?

4 25

Knightly tournament (or jousting) is something that I always wanted to do in There was one in "Power Behind the Throne" but I ran this module back in 2017, so...

2e also had rules for it. Hmmm, I wonder if will create new ones, sometime in the future.

1 12

As a long-time Vampire Counts fan, I miss having a proper, solid undead-themed sourcebook for the 4th edition of proved time and time again that they are able to create some truly awesome sourcebooks for the game. I'd love to see one about the living dead.

2 10

I always wanted to see full, official stats for Gotrek and Felix in They recieved some fan-made rules for 2e (I think Jack Days wrote them) but never nothing official, at least to my knowledge. ? Can we get them in the future?

2 11

Introducing famous characters and units from Warhammer Fantasy's rich lore, is seriously one of my favorite thing about GMing All of these (and more!) will take part in the final chapter of my Araby campaign.

2 6

Continuing my previous tweet: Fate Points and Luck are more than enough, when it comes to "get out of jail" mechanics in To be 100% honest I don't much like them either. Ever since I've started playing and I like my more lethal.

1 11

Painfully missed out WFRP.
I apologise to the gods.

0 0

We're almost at the end of "The Thousand Thrones". Time to put myself into overdrive and REALLY master all of the rules for the 4th edition I've been running it for a year now, and most of them are still not that clear to me, much to my eternal shame...

0 17

Real talk: we desperately need a vampire-centric sourcebook for the 4th edition I've been reading "Night's Dark Masters" lately, and it's simply one of the best titles for the 2nd edition. Rich in lore and rules, dark and wonderfully written. - pretty please?

0 18

I'd love for to release a massive bestiary for the 4th edition I really want a huge book full of ready-to-play monsters, and not to make them myself from the various traits in the rulebook. I think that's one of the few flaws that I've found in 4th edition.

2 27

I honestly would love to see Elemental Magic and maybe some kind of new "heretical" magic discipline for the 4th edition of I am toying with the idea of making a supplement about Sanguimancy - blood magic, based on Nagash's early teachings. Yay or nay?

2 14

As much as I enjoy the 2nd edition of one of its biggest weaknesses is enemy scaling. The basic critters and mooks are a joke to almost any character that starts its 2nd career. 4th edition did that stuff a lot better, even if it requires more work.

1 11

Got 3 days coming this week. "Rough night..." for 4th edition, the finale (hopefully) for "Hermetic Order..." for 7th edition and, finally, the continuation of chapter 7 of "The Thousand Thrones" for 2nd edition WFRP. Can't wait!

2 20

A ruthless Templar of the order of the Silver Hammer (or the Cleansing Flame, since the lore is really unclear on this particular topic), looking rather grim, right after dispensing some fiery justice on a hapless beastkin. Another great piece from the 2nd edition

3 30

Today I was supposed to run my first game of 4th edition Unfortunately I feel like crap. Too little sleep, too much on my head, nerves and such. We've rescheduled for next week. This whole situation is getting to me, I guess. Feeling bad for lettig my mates down.

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