They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them.

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Pls RT & remember Edgar Hicketts who left the due to or according to his records 'lack of moral fibre'. He suffered for the rest of his life & lost everything

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my of Edgar Hicketts who was gased in the & was sent home with & 'lack of moral fibre'. He sent the rest of his life in & out of mental institutions. He had no rest as every night he continued to shake & shout out.

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Scottish Women's Hospitals were also set up in France, at Calais, Royaumont, Troyes & Villers-Cotteret, with 11,000 patients admitted to Royaumont alone. SWH units were staffed entirely by female surgeons, doctors, nurses, orderlies, drivers & administrators

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Nicholson Boulton, flying Ace & the man that shot him down, killing him.

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Tented operating theatre at a field hospital in Egypt staffed by the Scottish Horse Mounted Brigade Field Ambulance, 1916. We've been busy recently preparing to put this collection of over 1000 photographs online - more news soon!

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many thanks. Currently working on of UK with & will be making links with for

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Term starts at College tomorrow. Here are the girls studying in Roderic house in 1919

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A picture for a story by Graham Swift for about the men that came back from the trench.

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FINAL DAY EXHIBITION! Many paintings & prints now in SALE!!!

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