Sahabat, berkasih sayang dalam mendidik anak adalah sebagian dari sunnah Rasulullah Shallallahu 'alaihi Wasalam. Bahkan Rasulullah Shallallahu Alaihi Wasalam
mencontohkan sikap yang sangat patut kita tiru dalam berkasih sayang, yaitu menciumi kedua cucunya Hasan dan Husein.

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🍋 tau ga sih panel ini kek tipikal flashback protag anime wktu keinget parental figure yg udh wasalam di detik2 sebelum transformasi jadi karakter OP sambil nangis😭😭

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Who wouldn't know Beethoven? He's one of the most famous music composers of all time!
Not many would know about his favourite fruit though...👀
Now that you (sorta) know Beethoven's favourite fruit, what's yours?

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To all the fathers out there, you gotta make this joke at least once in your lifetime 😌
To all the sons out there, support your daddy's in their dad jokes, will ya? 😉

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Someone call the police! There's a kidnapping? 😮
Could it be, that perhaps you were once that 'kidnapper'? 😉
Aya has once again pulled off a hilarious pun as always. 😌

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You should cry when hearing about a bear living pitifully with no teeth.🐻
But you'll probably just laugh at this one 😃.

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Hy aku Lus suka gambar cowo ganteng sekian wasalam lur

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Aya's reason for liking whiteboards is quite remarkable in itself 😌
Are you also a whiteboard fan like Aya? Or do you prefer the good old-fashioned blackboard?

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And today we have, yes, you guessed, it, another Aya pun. 😌
Oho, Sura's face looks even more unamused than usual. 😝 Is your face like that now, too?

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Remember to always buy the right kind of noodles! 💀
Everyone, lets say 'thank you' to Aya who has taught us a new and undiscovered type of noodle 😌

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Never thought you would have one of these in you car, huh? Time to call animal control. 😀
You're laughing, right? I know you're laughing. 😌
Lets give it up for Aya and her hilarious pun!

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Does your cat have these? Well, looks like its time to go on a cat shopping spree. 🐱
And there you have it folks, another pun made by our beloved character, Aya!

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Beautiful messege featuring Aya from

For more like this check out and subscribe to our webtoons series MuslimManga Club and WaSalam

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Nao and Aya wanting to try a new dress on Poji

featuring characters from our webcomci series

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Nao and Aya dressing up Poji

featuring characters from our webcomci series

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Sabr and Shukr

featuring Aya from

For More artwork and comics like this, checkout and webtoons

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