とりあえず、新年一発目の新規配信タイトルは[Wattam]か[Dusk Diver 酉閃町]になりそうですね〜。今の所は[Wattam]の方に傾き気味。
そして基本的にPS Plus(フリープレイ枠)のゲームは積みゲー扱いではないので配信しない事にしよう...!エクストラ~プレミアムに入ってるゲームは配信します。

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https://t.co/mVzTGlXdUN first Wattam stream starting now! Let's see what these little guys are all about!

3 14

You four are my faves and I love you, but you're all terrible at what you do here, and I feel like I should tell you I'd launch you directly into the sun if I could.
I choose you!

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Say what you want, but the man exudes self-confidence...I wish I had a tenth of the aplomb Wat Tambor has.

4 37

Every Wednesday we'll now be introducing some of the many fun friends you can meet in

"Who in Wattam are you?
Oh, it's Mayor! Always so helpful!"

11 73

I'm so glad that the SoundTrack of is in ... it has given me more inspiration to draw my babies

9 76

best friend forever!
wattam deserves more fanart!!!

4 47

Wattam fanart with me and

P.S. it's my fav game of all time now :D

5 21


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