I drew two pretty women. A muscly and a chubby girl.😉💖

Happy late Women's Day!♀️

I practiced on drawing a shubby girl for the first time, she even turned out to be cute.💕
I'll defenitely draw chubby girls again. UwU

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Tomorrow is

As a queer female artist, CEO, mother to 5 & survivor of male oppression &violence, it’s an important day.

My collection explores womanhood.

Please take a look and grab an iconic doublewoman https://t.co/tH7KjpvC3L

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So it's national women's month in my country and I drew some of my lady oc's

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IWD3 (TLH): (1744-1812)
She was a composer, singer and keyboard player, from a family of Spanish origin.

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IWD3 (TLH): (1873-1968).
She was the first person to direct a fictional movie.

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IWD3 (TLH): (1780-1862).
Juana Azurduy, was a patriot of Upper Peru who fought in the Spanish-American wars of independence.

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To celebrate local artists and tutors Adult Learning Lewisham recorded videos sharing their stories. Watch them here https://t.co/yOlQeYXFdv

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Made this really thoughtful gift from a husband to his wife on this Women’s Day. 💛

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Both drops!
World Famous artist Lovei$theansweR =LOve"

Remaining of what's left after the drops will be burned and one remaining of each will be set at 25,000 WAX each. Get one while it's on drop!

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I know I am over a day late, but you know what, better late than never! To all who identify as “she”, Happy Belated International Women’s Day!! A new digital piece to celebrate!

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