"#Old Jimmy Spray" (c.1806-1888) c.1860-70. "..the only thing of interest about him [!].. that he was taken from the Workshouse as a that he was bought from the !

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Lucy Burns dedicated her life to women's suffrage. She helped organize the 1913 parade in DC. She picketed the White House, was arrested and sentenced to 6 months in a workhouse. She went on hunger strikes & was force fed. https://t.co/hg1v2LUAbM

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We won't lie, it was ...challenging... to find an image for from home. BUT we did it. Behold this 1st edition plan of Chichester workhouse. Bed & board in the workhouse usually entailed a day or more of picking oakum rope as payment.

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In 1895 the Reverend Henry Collinson finally managed to persuade the Guardians to agree to install heating and hot water at Gressenhall He was not very happy when the scheme was put on hold. Hot water was finally installed in 1899.

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Christmas 1920 at Whitehaven workhouse. This scene is from the nursery. Note the Christmas tree and the ivy hanging off the ceiling in an attempt to make it festive. We are intrigued by the figure in the doorway. Any ideas anyone?

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