today is and tbh I have nothing to commemorate, but accept this baby chimp Pluto!

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Happy World Chimpanzee Day! To help you celebrate, here is 'the chimp with the magic hat' (and his admiring baby chimp audience) from the book 'This & That' by Mem Fox and me.

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7月14日は です。地球上のチンパンジーが笑顔で暮らせますように…。チンパンジーの魅力に気付いていないヒト、多いですよ!みんな、気付いて!!

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On July 14 1960, Dr. entered Gombe, Tanzania to study the lives of wild Join me in celebrating to honor these highly complex beings & ignite action to protect them. 🦍
Digital illustration.

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> RT

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Hoy se celebra el primer porque un 14 de julio de 1960, llegaba a Tanzania a estudiarlos y cuidar de ellos 💚🐒

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- Celebrating love for our closest living relative 🐒

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