Who is responsible for spiking the dishes during Khaana School's exam? Will You Be The Detective and figure it out?
Check it out: https://t.co/zjHhSv6h6d

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Shilpa has been robbed! But this case is no match for her neighbour, Inspector Khan. Can you find the robber too?


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Which of the two class pranksters cut up the exam paper when the teacher wasn't looking? Will You Be The Detective and figure it out?


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Who destroyed Mishti's beautiful sandcastle on the beach? Check out the solution to this month's You Be The Detective to find out!


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Someone has destroyed Mishti's beautiful sandcastle on the beach. Can you be the detective and figure out who is responsible?


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In 'YBTD 66 - Erased: A Classroom Caper,' one of the students has erased the board during the break! Can and figure out


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Did you figure out who stole the milk and cookies in this month's You Be The Detective? Check out the answer to know if you were right.


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