Who is responsible for spiking the dishes during Khaana School's exam? Will You Be The Detective and figure it out?
Check it out: https://t.co/zjHhSv6h6d

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Shilpa has been robbed! But this case is no match for her neighbour, Inspector Khan. Can you find the robber too?


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Did you figure out who cut up the exam paper when the teacher wasn't looking? Check out the solution to "You Be The Detective Liar Liar!" to know if you were right!


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Which of the two class pranksters cut up the exam paper when the teacher wasn't looking? Will You Be The Detective and figure it out?


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Who destroyed Mishti's beautiful sandcastle on the beach? Check out the solution to this month's You Be The Detective to find out!


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Someone has destroyed Mishti's beautiful sandcastle on the beach. Can you be the detective and figure out who is responsible?


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In 'YBTD 66 - Erased: A Classroom Caper,' one of the students has erased the board during the break! Can and figure out


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Did you figure out who stole the milk and cookies in this month's You Be The Detective? Check out the answer to know if you were right.


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