Bleach - Yhwach

988 8349

Yhwach | Bleach

4463 38903

Yhwach - Bleach

708 4980

Yhwach - Bleach

665 4598

"would you lose to yhwach?"


14 156

Being “untouchable” doesnt work well when being covered in space erasing energy beams. Ichigo’s Gran Rey Cero absolutely deleted Yhwach, someone who basically became an indestructible space. Armament Haki makes someone way stronger, but the phrase armament haki cant be beaten

0 2

Yhwach vs Shinobu Sensui who will win.

0 1

Hola que tal a todos!!! Estaré pasando la portada del primer al último tomo de manga:
Este volumen contiene los cap 1 al 7 del manga
Y su poema es:
"Tenemos a lo que no podemos ver"

0 2

gila nih dapat hime sama kakek yhwach

0 0

----End of the Thread----
Conclusion of the scaling,
True Shikai Ichigo=Yhwach without Almighty(Universal)
HOS Ichigo=Yhwach with Almighty(Uni+)
True Bankai HOS Ichigo>Comp. Yhwach(Low Complex Multi) since it is the only tier above Uni+.

4 36

I have to thank the souls of the dead. Another day when I can see this world clearly.

Daily Design 68

0 2

(w/ Quincies🏹)


-Zarathos is Bloodlusted
-Random Encounter
-Location: Holy Temple in NYC

Who wins, and why?

3 11

Anime did well depicting it for the most part but yh Yhwach is a big physical presence also. Feels like a general that has done his time in the trenches, hands on etc. In contrast to Aizen who could hang but felt partial to manipulation & his mind first..

3 56

I do wanna ask personally this.

As much as Yhwach is broken, in your guys opinion, is he ACTUALLY a well written character?

1 5

I always like to read Bleach a bit and think "Man was Yhwach written well at all as a broken character?" xD

1 0

Yhwach was a pretty good written broken character.

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