That shit ain't valid. (Fr tho if there are young people out there who are zoos please get help and don't listen to some random woman)

0 3

¿Recuerdan ayer como le andábamos partiendo las patas a una zoofilica? Bueno, this is a service public announcement para decirle que si llegan a ver esta bandera REPORTEN Y BLOQUEEN, es la bandera del zoopride

257 1099

boy do i love roasting marshmallows! :3

27 152

debería de ser borrado por Twitter y que les borren la cuenta a gente que apoya este movimiento , sin duda necesitan ayuda psicológica esperta

Esta es la bandera de esta "orientación sexual" que me parece una enfermedad mental

0 12

Eu tô meio atrasado nesse tema, mas tá aí a minha contribuição...
Zoof NÃO é sexualidade, é CRIME!!
❤️+🔁= Pra espalhar um pouquin de Bom Senso

36 85

Was bored, made another comic of me punching a
Remember if you see a z**phile or p*do on twitter ALWAYS block and report!! (The face i’m making in second panel is me trying to hold in my puke)

0 7

Me when i encounter a creepy zoophile! And and will NEVER be valid!!! : ) just wanna let you guys know that criminals like you are sick.

0 6

Destroy the flag! Burn it and take it down!! 😈 👹
Down with
Art by

0 5

In honor of zoophiles making their pride flags I made this raffle

- RT
- Post your ref
- explain why you dislike zoophiles/pro-contact zoophiles

130 416