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I think I had an earlier revision A500.
It was Kickstart 1.2. And it was where I first pixeled-up my mouse-shape mouse pointer.

But I had to upgrade to the A1200, because I was trying to play Hired Guns with two external drives and the continual reminder I could have better SFX.

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The annoying thing (as an Amiga user) is that the DOS version so effortlessly gets an good frame-rate on any PC in the world. Whereas a virtual Amiga version needs a good(ish) PC to get a decent frame rate. 🤔 Though the WHDLoad version would work on the A500 mini, wouldn't it?

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I almost forgot:
Zany Golf is one that was designed in the A500 days for a 7MHz processor. With WHDLoad, or some patching, it will work on faster machines. But if you want it to feel the same as it originally was, 68000 speeds are needed.

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Games for the A500. 🤔
Let's start with some that looked so good I thought "that must be an AGA game, right?"
Platforming: Superfrog
Fighting: Elfmania
Shooting: Battle Squadron
Racing: Turbo Trax

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The Amiga was great in the A500 days. Good in the A1200 days. And then it just continued downhill from there as Commodore didn't do enough to improve it, while PC's and Consoles continued to overtake and drive off into the distance. 🤔 Was fun while it lasted though. 😄

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My A500 was always 1.2. Had that thing for ages before I finally got an A1200. (I was addicted to Hired Guns. I wanted the extra sound-fx and to stop swapping disks.) 😄 I never found anything that didn't like KickStart 1.2, as compared to 1.3. 👍

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Preamp II - A new A500 OCS Music disk by Nectarine placed 6th at the Function 2021 party! - https://t.co/X4tTLNarP3

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Wikipedia lists the Amiga as mid '87, and Firepower in '88. So it was early in the days of the A500. Possibly it was developed on an A1000 then? Hard to say.

Certainly they put a good bit of work into it. It's a beautifully presented game. 🤔 Wonder how they digitized the tanks?

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i got My cores i wont to play
Street Fighter :D
1 the tins i did NotLike in ManyGames
Wear The ColorSided Back grounds
&Objects :(
But was Many good game hu mad god
Colors to Like SF & TOKI &&& :D

But in the end My Love for My
8Bit & sound Was Just to big Stil is ;D

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I love running things from HDD, coz I had an A500 for many long years, and the pain of waiting for loading off of DF0, and swapping disks still hurts. 😋 But collecting screenshots here DotC in WHDLoad was loading *too* quick, so I setup a plain A500 machine and loaded from that.

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Tried taking screenshots of my A500 via RGBtoHDMI just for the hell of it, so here's some random-ish captures from Real Hardware™

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Hehe~ So far just in WinUAE, but hopefully in the not-too-distant future on my actual A500~ 😊

(Yurucamp fanart by しろし on pixiv, https://t.co/MC00bUDdzt, image

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Yup. I had a Kickstart A500 for years. 👍
I only upgraded to an A1200 later on, because I was addicted to Hired Guns, which was hard-drive installable.. and had the most satisfyingly cool grenade-launcher sounds if you had 2MB ChipRAM. 😁

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But even with WHDLoad, I have a minimum of three WHDLoad configs to run just about everything from hard-drive well. Plus a stock A500 and A1200 config, for running stuff off disk. And a Picasso IV config for graphics-card apps - which introduces even more compatibility issues. 😁

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:D a lot of us have Street Fighter :D
i only ever played Street Fighter 2
on & my
1 Butten special Moves :D
but i love it :D

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Yup. Uridium 2 is a very good game. Played almost perfectly on the old A500, then on an A1200 is was perfectly smooth and there was that voice added announcing all the powerup's. ..I think a few extra smoke and other effects too maybe? Not sure. Memory hazy after all this time..

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