

EA AHQ Hero RET | Xbox 🎮 | Amiga F💖rever | Re🕹️ro Game Collector | Luv Shmups

フォロー数:413 フォロワー数:679

Thanks you too guys (BURRRP)

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It didn't take too long until they delivered imo. I think also ordered from SEG because he don't wanted to wait so long.
Hope I finally get the time to open the packages this week 😅

I've already beaten the digital version several times after release. It's great

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What I think of every time I see this Golden Axe cover.

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I'd pay for to see the sheeps face after this 🤣🤣🤣

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The character design is great. I would make it green as well. I think it would look better but that's only my opinion. Maybe some green on the helmet as well? 🤔

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Difficult question but talking about the originals without remakes my faves were always RE4 and RE: Code Veronica on Dreamcast.

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I was going to say exactly the same now 😂

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