When you're ace and you keep forgetting is a thing

(Then again in fairness some of us do nut, so good luck to those who're trying for the month ig I just legit forget it's a thing)

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is not over yet, so for I want to talk about Drink of Choice again!
It's a game I made earlier this year, and I'm honestly really happy with it.

Enjoy a cozy night in a bar and help out a stranger resolve her struggles!

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Wanted to draw something for but am very tired so, have just a little doodle of my first acearo4acearo qpr blorbos

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figured I should make a proper post for this year 👉👈

I'm Muffin and I'm a hobbyist artist! I love to make both fan works and original works. Whenever the opportunity arises, I love to be able to embrace my identity through making said things!

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Happy Sending love and solidarity to fellow aces everywhere 🖤🤍💜

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