jacrosscode characters with their partners

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Prince Iranha!
The sinister soggy sovereign has arisen from the Amazon river, bubbling forth the frightening Fishean Law! This bastard of the blue snaps out his intricate Acrosscalibur whenever dealing with disgusting land dwellers that thwart his Piscean plans!

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同じ監督のトマホーク ガンマンvs食人族もおススメです(閲覧注意🤭)

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Lea from crosscode chibi fanart
This is a request made during my twitch stream, I hope you like it zenet, I loved making this cute and adorable version of your waifu haha.

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Love the poster for the film (although not seen it) so done a
equivalent. You can see the inspiration here: https://t.co/Ry2P50SSef

REPOST: as spotted a spelling mistake on last one

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Kaname - John James
Messer - Eldana Agenor
Nekkid Kakizaki - Maester March
D.D. Ivanov - Christian Navarro
Roy Focker - Bora Bilgic
Sara Nome - Regan Curtis
Freyja - Taylor Biehn

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Second visual for the next "Macross Boys" fashionable oshare even has been revealed!! "Misterious" designer Yura Kaminami is the author of this new illustration featuring Max and Hikaru ❤️.


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ヤンゴンのKaraweik Palaceで記者会見させて頂きました🎥暑い中、沢山のメディアの皆様に来て頂きミャンマーでのラリー熱の高まりを感じました🇲🇲❗️

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MACROSSCROSSOVERLIVE 2019開催おめでとうございます!!!!!!!!!

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マクロスクロスオーバーライブ2019にて、香港勢のフラスタ企画にMACROSS 7のイラストを親友のゆきさん( )と共同担当させて頂きました!

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