# art watercolor acuarela arte cine cinema movies pelicula peliculas drawing apocalypto rudyyoungblood aianimation stablediffusion aiart aiartcommunity sylvesterstallone arnoldschwarzenegger tomcruise dolphlundgren stevenseagal jasonstatham wesleysnipes rutgerhauer charlesbronson dwaynejohnson keanureeves chucknorris clinteastwood madman madmax2 madmaxtheroadwarrior theroadwarrior georgemiller portrait sheffieldartist brucewillis scraigzahler draggedacrossconcrete vincevaughn panama colehauser markneveldine action thriller panamamovie podcast humorpodcast comedypodcast comedy blerd nerd actionmovies 1980s 80s schwarzenegger stallone theterminator rambo diehard lethalweapon happybirthday braveheart whatwomenwant bosslevel ブレイブハート ハート・オブ・ウーマン コンテニュー 誕生日おめでとう paintings madmax brucespence emilminty michaelpreston arnoldschwarzengger pixelart ドット絵 caricature digitalportrait digitalart commissionedart commissionsopen commission caricatures caricatura artistontwitter twitterart artontwitter digitalcaricature dirctor hacksawridge ハクソー・リッジ illustration movieart posterart movieposter filmart poster fanart filmposter digitalpainting ladyjane aroomwithaview hamlet thecrown princessmargaret shakespeare england uk lockdown lockdown2 lockdown2uk book ladyjanegrey emforster movie inktober thepatriot nathanfergasonart filmstudy inktober2020 alwayslearning williamwallace alternativemovieposter workinprogress wip eighties

Mini illustration. Done in black ink and white posca on gesso with digital colours.

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Sharing my art of caricatures sculptures of and enjoy !

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同じ監督のトマホーク ガンマンvs食人族もおススメです(閲覧注意🤭)

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Panama – Watch Cole Hauser and Mel Gibson in the trailer for the new action-thriller https://t.co/zGWCvVYIc5

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appeared on films "#Braveheart" "#WhatWomenWant" "#BossLevel" etc


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WWll 沖縄・前田高地での戦いを描いた映画 (2016) 観た。MelGibson 監督。オスカー作品賞は逃したけど、Braveheart (1995)と並ぶ傑作。映画自体も素晴らしいが、何よりもこれ実話なのがすごい😭😭😭そして余韻が強すぎて、今日はもう何もする気がおきない…

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I have always struggled with and sticking with it. But I decided for October I’m going to try to do a film study a week if I can. I started with

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