This Addy is all-in for their cruising holiday! Whether it's swimming in coral reefs, taking photos at ports of call, or just enjoying a drink poolside, this Addy is ready to go!

Their HODL lifestyle allows them to relax while taking a break from screens.

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After becoming a millionaire thanks to ETH, this Addy decided to pursue his dreams of opening up the first underwater brewery/winery combo. In this photo he is posing for his cookbook author picture

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Addy is a jack-of-all-trades. Insatiably - she's into music, travel, sports, and does improv classes on the weekends. Never content to be pigeon-holed into 'either/or' definitions - she's a 'both/and' kind of cephalopod.

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TropicalTwisted Addy: After 5 years of working non-stop, she finally went on vacation to a beautiful tropical island. She danced all night and even won a limbo dance competition. To top it off, she got new ink to match her vibe. She's the life of the party!#addylore

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This sun-soaked Addy takes advantage of their diamond arms to stand out from the crowd, and takes time away from their coveted beach naps to scrub seashells clean for young children. What a sweetheart!

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An accomplished artist by trade, this Addy is perpetually conflicted with whether to get more sleep or stay awake calculating additional ways to save for the rest of their tuxedo.

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Addy is all about good vibes and enjoys painting and sleeping. Addy is overwhelmed because they cant say no to their friends. Now they have plans to grab drinks, play soccer, take photos at the beach and go to a costume party, all in one day.

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Hello everyone! I’m new to NFTs and to cope with my stress I sip wine all day. And to stay awake I drink coffee in the morning. I believe in HODLIng, although some NFTs have collapsed due to rug 🥲 but luckily I can still afford a bunch of banana to eat 😆

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A wanderlust-boba addicted royal who escapes her dictated life to explore the world: playing volley ball on the beaches of Thailand, exploring the snowy Valais mountains, snapping priceless photos everywhere she goes.

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- Orig. from Japan, living in NYC; loves traveling and tasting local food; lifetime dilemma: healthy or junk food?
- a childhood friend of Orig. from Japan, still living in Japan; lifetime dilemma: Safe HODL or degen into meme-coins?

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This is an adventurer of the sea. She Loves Vodka, all her treasures are exchanged for and stored in her wallet.

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Captain Addy, the scourge of the seven seas, sails around the globe collecting treasures to hodl with diamond hands. Bundled up for the cold, today's target is in the Northern Sea. Unfortunately, today is also Bring Your Child To Work Day. Avert your Addy eyes kiddos 🙈

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This addy takes after Sherlock Homes and spends her time investigating the metaverse! Current clues she has collected are: a yacht, a soccer ball, and a shinai…a very curious case indeed! Don’t worry though, she seems to have JUST cracked the code!!#addylore

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