tl;dr please take your meds

7 63


0 8

a wandering mind...

Me every day trying to stay focused.

1 8

I have over 56 WIPs of Dragon Age and Solas related paintings... I have a problem. I need to finish things *cries in ADHD*. I need to compile them into a list and maybe get help choosing which to finish...

4 15

I saw was trending and it reminded me that I never finished a little comic I made as an example of how adhd can keep me from enjoying even my most beloved hobbies! Go on guess why I never finished it ;) (1/2)

3 18

Sup Here's a couple practices from a guy who created his own compensatory strategies by brute force before being diagnosed:
1. Take more breaks (way more)
2. Value small wins
3. Value effort over "success"
4. Be kind to yourself. (you're not bad people)

11 91

"All Ears"
I started wearing headphones all the time when I was 14 and still do to silence the noise from the outside world.
Sensory Process Disorder is part of what makes me the creative person I am.

1 1

Sensory Process Disorder is part of what makes me the creative person I am.

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This is how meltdown looks like. How long you keep overwhelming feeling inside? When it come out as temper tentrums and meltdown? And what you feel after that?

16 70

Me when Iㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ Me when I
have to maskㅤVSㅤ feel slightly too much
in public ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤof any one emotion

4 9

Art has been my favorite outlet lately for dealing with tough crap.

I take a stained glass class on Mondays and it has become one of my favorite days of the week.

What are your favorite art forms to do, and what health benefits do you notice?

4 25

A reminder to fellow folks: overwhelm can be a result of lots of 'good' things needing attention, not just bad!
If your work is going well and you have fun new projects/hobbies to work on and you love Christmas and socialising it's OK to still need help and rest!

10 30

Since here's where we all are, I thought to mention that I did a thing 👇

Habit Mastery for NDs by NDs

12 49

!!ALL 6 pin, print and sticker DESIGNS UNLOCKED!! 🎉
Get yours here:

1 4

I haven't forgotten about my various ADHD illustration plans, just had trouble finding time to work on them!
Here's what I have so far: intrusive thoughts, daydreamer, and overwhelm.

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