bringing back the summer alfonse i drew back in 2019

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it's been a long while since I last drew alfonse fire emblem

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I really like this Alfonse (posted in 2019)

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good morning ✨
close-ups on Lif and Alfonse from the first panel

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Excuse me feh, where is my bunny alfonse :0

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Alfonse Aloysious Arkham: the Tiefling Bard Swashbuckler that can rock any look. (Art by my delightfully dear dragon queen )

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[ fire emblem heroes ] alfonse 👑

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cringe compiliation of alfonse and 's summoner oc [i love them i love them i wish for their eternal happiness]

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A few years ago, I drew Vergil wearing DoD Alfonse outfit. Now….I might draw him wearing Spring Alfonse’s outfit

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"Let us dance the night away, summoner"

So, this is based off of recent design of Ballroom Dancer Alfonse and the summoner! I think they came out super cute together ☺️💖
(Also expect more Alfonse content soon 😉

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For today's here's a drawing that I did of the Ultra Alfonse Bros. (A spoof of the Super Mario Bros.).

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Smoking that Alfonse dust

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I got him finally and I leveled him up to a 5* I love my baby Alfonse

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I forgot how cute Alfonse's Day of Devotion outfit is. Kiran is looking.

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