Bad Samaritan(邦題バッドディシジョン)みた~の絵 若干ネタバレと血の描写がある

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OmegaGal's boss in the Rogue Suppressors elite squad and soon to be nemesis/side-piece. Alpha is a dandy boss and good Samaritan until he accidentally created a certain virus as a side effect of the cure to human-cancer he was brewing.

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John Everett Millais, The Good Samaritan, engraved by the Dalziel Brothers, 1863

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Evangeliosegún san Juan 4, 5-42 padre Eduardo via
Lamujer samaritana a quien Jesús encuentra junto alpozo deJacob capta mucho desu larga conversación con Jesús Cuando descubre su identidad deja su cántaro tal como los discípulos dejaron sus redes

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John Everett Millais, The Good Samaritan, 19th century

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Me gusta pensar que llevaba una camarita con él por todas las fotos que sacó y al final se la regresaron pipipi
Se la rifó hermano un grande el capi, entró de suplente y terminó finalista

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George Frederic Watts (23 February 1817 – 1 July 1904) was a popular English painter -Good Samaritan

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So The Samaritan and The Plutonian are the Superman-analogues with the most interesting power sets to me.

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John Everett Millais, The Good Samaritan, 19th century

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Aight between The Samaritan (left) and Hyperion (right), who is the better looking Walmart Superman?

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In my 40 years of GMing I've been:

The Beast
The Storyteller
The Magus
The Madness Monster
Lord of Dragons

Keeper of Secrets
Weaver of Dreams
Hierophant of History
The Librarian of Infinity

The Lord of the Codices
Master of Oblivion
The Machine
The Samaritan

You decide.

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John Everett Millais, The Good Samaritan, engraved by the Dalziel Brothers, 1863

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So when the Samaritans came to Jesus, they were asking Him to stay with them; and He stayed there two days. Many more believed because of His word;
John 4:40-41(NASB)

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