Ankylorhiza is part of an early lineage of toothed whales before they start to seriously fuse and shorten thier verts for more effecient high speed swimming. Afaik the more normal cervical verts means they'd retain a more normal range of motion

1 13

Ankylorhiza tiedemani showing off some battle scars for day 15 of

27 147

Yep, it shows the ancestors of new world monkeys crossing the Atlantic, being attacked by Ankylorhiza.

30 220

Monkey and Ankylorhiza/Watson and the Shark. Amazing. Love it!

2 50

Results from a special, accidental, cetacean
Cetotherium, Platalearostrum, Ankylorhiza (going after some rafting monkeys) and Globicetus.

153 757

Ankylorhiza muestra características intermedias entre cetáceos primitivos y los odontocetos modernos, y se cree que pudo haber tenido un nicho ecológico similar al de las orcas actuales, alimentándose de presas veloces

0 2

Un squelette d'#Ankylorhiza, trouvé aux Etats-Unis, éclaire l'évolution du groupe des et de leurs dents !
Prédateur, il occupait il y a 25 Ma une niche écologique semblable à celle des orques actuelles.

Source :

4 18

Results from the
Euparkeria, Tupandacylus, Ankylorhiza and Leptictidium

62 254

Fruits of today’s Leptictidium, Ankylorhiza and Tupandactylus.

7 58

From tonight's
Euparkeria (I cheated and it still has bad anatomy), Tupandactlyus, Ankylorhiza, and my boy Leptictidium

55 241