Started from 9/6, the rally, people will never surrender & determine to continue our fight until have been promised by
Most importantly, set up independent commission to investigate was necessary 💪
Video below👇🏻

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12月啦, 希望各位唔會淡忘之前發生過既事, 逝去左既人, 聖誕節我祝願各位手足平安!

:3 22號RG之後又要閉關了... 要趕出年PR既本本同精品:3.. 好攰

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Day 11
In fact, there are not only 4 people suffered in Police violence and injured on their eyes!
Thanks for press who report the truth and work in a dangerous area.

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Day 113: 29/9/2019

警卧底扮示威者 屢釀開槍衝突
Undercover officers dressed up as protesters, always end up in real gun shots being fired.

Source: Appledaily

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Day 113: 29/9/2019

無裝備市民遭催淚彈影響 警幫忙洗眼
Citizen affected by tear gas, 2 police officers helped wash his eyes.

Source: ig hkpoliticalmemes

Admin- HKers are not against all of the police force, only those who abuse their power.

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Day 113: 29/9/2019

Causeway Bay 1425

警Sogo放催淚彈 無面罩感不適
Police released tear gas outside of Sogo, a number of officers without face shields felt the discomfort.

Source: Stand News

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Day 104: (20/9/2019)

1400+ arrest
207 charged
Police denied they made unnecessary and excessive arrests and they will bring more to prosecution.

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We shall never surrender

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