Tamers Time!

Guilmon, I like how they added enemies from Tamers to fill out the slots but WarGrowlmon is always my fav Guilmon evo

Terriermon, Antylamon. Everytime.

Renamon, what's weird is that I'm not a big fan of Kyubimon but I LOVE Youkomon and it's just a different color

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Continuamos el de Antylamon.
Antylamon puede controlar el Chi de su cuerpo a voluntad, haciendo que su cuerpo pueda ser flexible al relajarlo y duro como el Chrome Digizoid al concentrarlo. Debido a esto, es uno de los pocos Deva sin armadura.

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Sin y con texto, fanart de Antylamon...en lo personal mi digimon favorito...se me hace re cool...y eso es todo jshdjsjs.

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thought itd be fun to do a vtuber meets digimon theme for some practice and make a small little series of them. with that said heres number one of and thought id start with the person who got me into drawing on here so hope you guys enjoy~!

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Ok.. so yes.. I am in a dark circus like jesters/harlequins... and I love Antylamon.... so..... Yeah XD

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