Is it too soon for winter art? Probably. But i had to get this image out of my head and onto a canvas.

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Fun painting process. Check out my Etsy store. Just search for aokstudios.

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Got a couple more layers in this evening. Hoping to finish this by tomorrow.

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Inktober day 23. Portraits. Shifting to a pure grayscale inking technique for the last group of inks. Enjoy!

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I forgot to take a photo of the inked version before coloring in. Inktober day 22. Portraits. Enjoy.

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Inktober Day 13. Portraits. Since it’s my 3rd wedding anniversary today, I decided to draw my husbands favorite bad guy. The Lich King.

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Day 10 of Inktober. This one is for my daughter on her birthday. She loves her hat and scarf and the color purple! My blue eyed blonde!

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