- the Hallowed Knights, the Faithful, the Silver Saviours, the Soul Guardians. The most pious, devout and honourable of the Stormhosts, they glow with the light of Sigmar's faith. Plus they have Gardus, who is awesome!

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- Astral Templars, Beast-Slayers, Heavens' Claw, the Bane of Tyrants - the most barbaric Stormhost drawn from savage mortal tribes. Specialist monster hunters, they wear furs/pelts and honor Ursricht, the White Bear (a godbeast)

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Malerion, god of shadow, rules the 13 domains of Ulgu with an iron fist from his capital of Druchiroth. Working with Tyrion and Teclis, the aelf gods of Light, Malerion has been reclaiming aelf souls from Slaanesh & using them for his own works.

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"It is said of Brakka, retributor of the Astral Templars, that no one has been dispatched to the soul-forges more times and been remade. I deed there are days where he can recall little beyond his own name... & how to wield a hammer of course."

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Hallowheart, Free City, is built on crystalline caverns infused with Aqshyian magic. Living above this power the citizens gain resilience to magic (as well as weird birthmarks & good luck). The Battlemages of the Whitefire Court defend it

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