setphelios and aphett together

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This will be the last time I will be sharing and making these sketches available, so if interested please DM me

Thanks for everything Spurs family, and for all the support over the years....🤍

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The following original sketches are available, please DM me for details would make a perfect Christmas gift



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Afternoon Spurs family.

Christmas is just around the corner.

I've made these original sketches available


If you can help DM me for details, an ideal Christmas gift or you just love my sketches

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More original A3 sketches available, if interested please DM me for details.

I was made redundant this year so if you can help that would be amazing...

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Evening Spurs family,
I'm making the following favourite sketches available, please DM me if interested

It would be a great xmas gift or if you love my artwork

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Due to being unwell at this point.

I'm making the following favourite sketches available, please DM me if interested.

It would be a great xmas gift or if you love my artwork.

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Due to being unwell at this point, I will not be completing as many new sketches for the moment.

I'm making the following sketches available, please DM me if interested please.
It would be a great xmas gift

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Monte Michael Moore. Aphetto Dredging. Zombie Frog Beast. From Magic The Gathering: Onslaught. "Phage became both executioner and savior, helping others to the same rebirth she had found."

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Didn’t have time today until now but here it is. The sketch for Day 7 of the Carboniferous week. Spathicephalus (a baphettoid stem-tetrapod) about to gulp one of the two passing legless Acherontiscus (an adelospondyl stem-tetrapod), not it’s usual prey

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