Lola working at the Tanline Baked Goods Parlor. She makes cookies, pizzas, etc., and folks in Bubble Cove love it.

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Paige puffing her tail up. This only happens when she gets startled (or angry or even flustered). But this can help defend herself someday, like a proper pufferfish.

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Paige Puffington - One of Lola’s friends. She’s a very shy and timid mermaid who gets startled easily (her tail puffs up). She’s also the voice of reason, but loves them nonetheless.

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This is my *ahem* sister's fan art for the series. She really enjoys it.

If you see this Denis, please name one of your pet Lilly, which is my sister's name.

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Hey My little sister and I absolutely love your Minecraft series and we wanted to send you some fanart. We suggest SirNeighsALot as your horse, but otherwise, we totally don't mind if you give a name to the horse. Looking forward to more vids! :)

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Hi , this is my fan art for Minecraft Aquatic Adventures! My name is Gavrielle.

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