Pink Fairy Armadillo

Pink fairy armadillos are nocturnal burrowing mammals endemic to the xeric environment in central Argentina. They have been found south of Mendoza province as well as north of Rio Negro and south of Buenos Aires.

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I should have this Sunda pangolin drawing finished for but got delayed because of my recent start of my veterinary training semester...

Meet Sunda despite looked like anteaters and armadillos, this guy's closest relatives are cats and dogs!

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Better late than never

Check Mii Out 23: Ashely

She owns a talk show, wrote books, ran a 20 minute 100-mile dash, and taught Armadillos to cure their leprosy

Ashley can do it all

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It's art challenge time! I'm sticking to my Armadillosaur for this year's Creatuanary challenge, but I also added a new version of Dinocorn from my Neighbourhood Rascals post.

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In art class I was messing with my teacher by drawing Armadillos every project for the semester and I sketched out a lil me as an Armadillo...and let myself cook from there

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has renewed my love for fairy armadillos, so i decided to make a fakemon line of them ! i've never done this before, but i did my best:)

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Day 15: Armadillo.
Recently I found out that in United States you can find armadillo in your backyard. Armadillos live in Michigan too, so plot of my artwork is quite realistic.

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I took a lot of inspiration from armadillos for the protective plates on Kane's body

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Fossil species of xenarthrans (Xenarthra: superorder of mammals where sloths, armadillos, and anteaters are found) that have been found in the Yucatan Peninsula:

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Giant Armadillo

Armadillos have not been extensively studied in the wild however they are solitary and nocturnal, spending most of the day in their burrows. These armadillos however cannot roll themselves into a ball to escape predators and will burrow to get away.

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The HE Domadillo is a trunked Glyptodont, a mighty group of giant herbivorous armadillos, with mighty domes and even weaponized tails, their trunks are a versatile tool that helps them better feed and make sounds for multiple purposes to make up for its bad eyesight.


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Based on moles, (fairy) armadillos, and naked mole rats while still trying to keep the dragon influence

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Armadillos in PopoloCrois Monogatari (PS1) 1996 Concept Art by Atsuko Fukushima, TV Anime 1998, and Mobile Game 2018.

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I really liked the “Scared of Armadillos” line I did,so I did this out of boredom Lol

Super Scourge belongs to:

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And here’s Arizonasaurus, a battle worn Gangetic gharial and Armadillosuchus for Day 26~29 of themed Art Challenge!

The Gharial looks like some speculative evolution animal ;(

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15. Armadillo
Did you know that Armadillos sleep up to 16 hours a day?
That's insane!
I'm lucky if I get 8 hours a night.

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Inktober Day 15 - Armadillo (Sketch)
Armadillos kinda cute tho...

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Inktober: Day 15, Armadillo.
Armadillos really be mini shelled godzillas.

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