A buncha birds for BlazingBeaks! The blue one's my personal favorite

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A pigeon with a piece of bread and a chicken with an egg :p

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Here's my for the contest: a potoo wielding a weaponized toaster!

(465x Streak!)

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Probably a little late but here is this little warrior. My palette. Done with .


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A Dodo with a blunderbuss; careful with that, it's got some kickback~
Congratulations on the release of Blazing Beaks, !

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I chose this fiery cockatoo as my for today's 🔥

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Think you’re safe from Pigeons in your home? Not when they’re armed with a sharp master key. An for competition. Congrats for the release of Blazing Beaks

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My entry for the contest today~. The theme was so here’s a little hummingbird musketeer!

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Farfetch'd, a bird with a very unique weapon!

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