In 2019, the New Horizons probe flew past Arrokoth, a bilobate Kuiper Belt Object 36km long and orbiting at 45 AU.
It is very fluffy (235 kg/m^3) and has such low gravity that dust sliding down some of its slopes can reach escape velocity!

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The team has released detailed geophysical maps of Arrokoth, a small body in the Kuiper Belt.
When I was a kid, everything beyond Saturn was mostly a question mark. It's amazing how far we've come.

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Teamwork! Arrokoth and Numpy are a well oiled machine. Have a great weekend!

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All of 433 and rotate around their long axis without precession. They are *all* symmetric around not one, but 2 axes.

What causes this?
I can only think of rotationally induced stretch.

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