Aint nuthin new here...mostly

🔁&❤️ 4 Mo

List of 🍋s:

1. : Mouse n
2. (RIP) : n
3. Krita n Intous
4. ❓❓❓ 👀 : Mouse, MSPaint n

10 19

Happy 30th to 1 of tha most impactful films of all time. Still damn relevant til this day.

RIP John Singleton.

🍋: n

RT 4 Mo

7 21

Boyz n tha hood g-mix is tha best one. Dr Dre's beat in og was hella dope, but this one...

🍋: Mouse n MSPaint

artnigga blerd eastcoastartist pixelartist pixelart microsoftpaint eazye ruthless realmuthaphukkings westcoast graffiti graffitiart hiphop 1980s 1990s gfunk realityrap

21 60

Everybody expected this 2 b san's next piece, right?

no no no no

🍋: Mouse n MSPaint

artnigga blerd pixelartist pixelart microsoftpaint eastcoastartist jojo jjba jojosbizarreadventure jotarokujo starplatinum stardustrcrusaders heritageforthefuture ora yareyaredaze

43 153

Artshare time? Ok fasho, thnx Chef! Ppreciate this

Yea, Im jus some artnigga

Anyways, let's get some more artists in here:

& I better see ur asses follow em when I come back...jus fuckin w/ u

4 6

Last 1 for 2day...

So how we feel bout cats?

🍋: Illustrator

artnigga blerd eastcoastartist design cat kitty geometrical graphicdesign comptutergraphics

4 10

Sneak peek of a Boondocks WIP from a while back. Only showin a segment cuz they bodies look deformed, n I wanna redo tha concept I had in store 4 this piece

🍋: Krita

artnigga blerd eastcoastartist youngblackartist digitalart digitalartist hueyfreeman rileyfreeman anime cartoon

7 20

I realized, Axel's 2star Blitz move's called Grand Hook, so Imma call this nu 2star Blitz tha Grand Hurricane, like his original final Blitz move, lol

Also kinda had 2 improvise on tha fire fx, lol

🍋: Piskel


artnigga blerd streetsofrage sega segafanart axelstone

5 11

Ayo this nigga would get cancelled 2day 4 tha shit he spits, I swear.

The Villain in Black album is a bit on tha lighter side, tho, lol. It's boutta turn 25 years old this year.



artnigga blerd microsoftpaint pixelart mcren emcee hiphop 1990s 90s

3 6

Now ysee, yall gave me all em commissions w/ tha color red, n now u got a nigga lookin @ red like


Jus a lil edit of my own Hiroaki study drawin, had ta get sum grownup hairs, lol


artnigga blerd blackartist microsoftpaint pixelart pixelartist selfportrait

6 16

Ay, shoutout to for commissionin me to draw his oc, Eileen!

🍋: MSPaint

RT, Support

artnigga blackartist blerd eastcoastartist mvc mvc1 bengus marvelvscapcom pixelart pixelartist microsoftpaint digitalart oc oldskool cps2 digitalart digitalartist arcade 90s 1998

10 46

Ayo Imma give a bigass shoutout 2 4 commissionin me 2 draw her character Ajit Sinha from her & Team Craze's IKEMEN GO game!



artnigga blerd cps2 bengus marvelvscapcom ajit ajitsinha ikemen mugen oc pixelart pixelartist mvc newgrounds

20 41

Ayo shoutout to JG for lettin me draw up his oc, Don Intrepid!

🍋: MSPaint

RT, Support

artnigga blackartist blerd eastcoastartist capcom cps2 bengus marvelvscapcom mvc mvc1 pixelart pixelartist microsoftpaint digitalart retro arcade oldskool instagram newgrounds deviantart

9 25

Prolly my biggest MVC comm yet. Took longer than tha Cloud 3-combo commission, lmao

Lemme drop a bigass nuke of a shoutout to for lettin me do this crazy, trippy as hell Ibuki artwork!

🍋: MSPaint

RT, Support

artnigga blerd cps2 bengus marvelvscapcom pixelart sf3

16 46

Yo, shoutout to for commissionin me to draw his Crunchy OC!

🍋: MSPaint

RT, Support

artnigga blackartist blerd oc dinosaur mvc bengus mvc1 marvelvscapcom pixelart pixelartist microsoftpaint digitalart cps2 arcade retro oldskool oldschool fuckagrindthisacrawl

1 7

Be honest. How many of yall beaten dis game? W/o cheats? Twice?

Prolly da last sketch of tha year...

artnigga blerd sketch mspaint microsoftpaint segafanart sega comixzone sketchturner segatechnicalinstitute megadrive genesis 90s 1990s 1995 fuckagrindthisacrawl

2 6