[oc] im really liking asepriteso far !! :]c

1 5

Hope the heavy use of dithering I used aseprites pen pressure dithering so I hope the that's okay, I still had press hard or light depending how much I wanted to dither. Thanks for the challenge and have a great day

4 17

el oc de Mega980 con el sombrero del Thewei

5 12

This I had done yesterday but I did not upload it a happy birthday to jo4kyx

3 8

AAAAH feliz cumpleaños

hay esta también y rod pero no etiqueto a joaco por que no tiene cuenta creo

1 8

HAHAHA I'm also taking the style of Super Mario World

2 8

real quick mess around of Aseprites new features

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I edited a picture someone posted on discord. Can you guess which one I did?

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