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Alooo! I'm looking for kawanbabu to interact with. Goes by she/her and alr at legal age. Sometimes aku juga ngetweet tentang HSR, LnD, and irl stuff. Homophobic and under 16 DNI ya. Drop your tmi and I'll hyu! oh iya, aku juga SUKA BANGET sama AYATO so, AYATO LOVERS (cont..)

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hiii everynyaaann! i'm searching for lots of friends through kawanbabu ⭐____⭐. i'm a she/her, still a minor (17) and i love hydro characters esp nilou and kamisato ayato. i also kin the anemo archon, ohoho traveler! 🍃i main ganyu as for now and i'm planning to (cont..)

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Halo halo✨ aku sedang mencari kawanbabu, aku menerima segala jenis akun dan aku furina & ayato main
Leave any trace and I'll hit you up! ✨

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Bxg, lumine x ayato

Arranged marriage (part 1)

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hiii i would like to befriend/ looking for mutual and kawanbabu
I go with she/her, if u don't mind with a new acc and i'm a minor, buta arte 🧍‍♀️. Ar 58, ayato n wanderer main and i collected meme jelek too 😎, btw prefer no nsfw acc ya...

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helloo !! i'm looking for kawanbabu, utk memenuhi tl ku dgn per-genshin-an. aku suka jbjb jugaa. anw ak xiao main, sec acc si ayato main yeah. aku kdg bahas hsr, sama animanga juga !! xiao, scara & kazuha stan get freepass !! 🫶🏻💗🫧

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